“We live in magical times.”  

We live in magical times.  Everything, literally everything, is bigger better faster more.  More technology, more wealth, more innovation, access, expectations and more stress. We find ourselves overloaded.  Digitally drowning.  We are caught in a Pavlovian race to serve our inbox and social media feeds.  We are more connected than ever yet oddly more alone. Truth is, we aren’t built for our current socio-technological state. We are emotionally, spiritually, ethically and physiologically under-evolved for the non-stop rat-a-tat-tat of incoming content. All of it seemingly urgent and important. 

Living with it is taking a toll.  We’ve become crispy.  Often extra crispy. We see it in our politics, our friendships and ourselves. Yet our will to adapt and survive runs exceptionally deep.  Humans always find a way. Hence the dramatic increase of meditation apps, cleansing diets, the search for authentic experiences and spiritual “unplugging.”  All of these tactics will help in moments but what brings it all together on the daily? 

I offer CCSS as the counter-measure. A simple mindset for navigating our brave new world.  A way to elevate our game, reduce the friction and noise, increase our personal velocity and thrive in 2020 and beyond.  

Let’s break it down: 

Cool: Awareness of the bigger picture.  Holding altitude with all options available and in front of you. Defaulting to a broader perspective keeps things right-sized, reduces the release of cortisol and fosters a clear mind.

Calm: Rock steady.  Resisting quick reactions.  Defer judgement.  Taking time to think creates room to reflect before responding, allows for the right level of modulation and helps you side-step the common distractions that often diminish time and energy.

Sexy:  It’s about how you treat others.  Practicing verbal magic.  Are you thoughtful and caring?  Do you listen first?  Is your communication helpful?  Do you respect your words?  There are few things more sexy than genuine empathy. 

Smart: Evolution is constant and fluid.  Learning never stops. It’s all about how you embrace problem solving.  Endeavor with a spirit of genuine discovery.  Be mindful of how the ego blocks learning.  Allow humility to open the doors.  Truth responds to curiosity borne by an open and grateful mind.

“The future is ours for the taking.”

The future is ours for the taking. The opportunities are more robust than at any time in our history on this planet.  The risks are also equally daunting.   It’s overwhelming to think about it. Keeping yourself in a state of CCSS will help you gracefully navigate the overload. The mindset will protect you, allow you to act with elegance, stay on track, find pleasure and achieve your goals. CCSS is a simple yet powerful elixir. Adopt it and you’ll see.  And be kind to yourself along the way.  We are always remembering and forgetting. Falling off and getting back on.  Enjoy the journey.